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Contact Us To Explore Data Warehouse Models Implementations
In Telco, Retail, Banking, Insurance.

Implementation Example:

DWH model® Is TM Forum certified data warehouse model applicable for both fixed and mobile telecommunications operators, covering traditional Business Intelligence requirements, regulatory requirements including GDPR and IFRS 15, Big Data Analytics and IoT requirements.

DWH model® Contains acomprehensive set of subjectareas, including a physical warehouse design, as well as a business terminology model and analysis templates that accelerate the development of business applications / a decision support system.

DWH model® Accelerates development and mitigates risks associated with enterprise data management, data warehousing and Business Intelligence application development. DWH model ®is a data management toolkit with detailed industry content covering the full spectrum of communications sector. The data warehouse enables operators to exploit the potential of detailed information previously locked in legacysystems or summarized in distributed data marts, making them inaccessible to the business user. Telco DWH model ® encourages operators to adopt a business focused approach to transforming intoanon-demand business when building Business Intellig enceand data management solutions, and incorporates implementation experiences gained at numerous implementations.

DWH model® Is a platform-independent solution that contains thousands of hours’ worth of development effort and expertise to help business users and IT staff to implement data marts & analytical applications on time and on budget. It offers the scalability and flexibility needed to address existing and future data consolidation requirements and can be customized to meet specific needs of operator.

DWH model® Is also addressing new Big Data Analytics requirements, related to data from sensors, Machine to Machine data and Internet of Things. Model supports location based analytics, deep packet inspection functionalities and provide foundation for integration of structured and non- structured data for unified analytical layer.